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This health crisis we are going through lately incites us to wash our hands as often as possible. Health Authorities recommend to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with both cleansing gels and hydroalcoholic gel.

"A soap or foaming gel are an effective alternative to hydro alcoholic gels". Dr Dréno, Professor of Demartology, CHU Nantes

Bioderma - Handwash

The Professor Dominique Tennstedt from the U.C.L Dermatology Service at U.C.L asserts that anyway, we better “keep washing your hands”  This is why we recommend to prefer dermatologically tested, soft cleansing gels or oils as much as possible.

To preserve the skin barrier lastingly and better protect yourself, hydration is also highly recommended.

Bioderma - Handcream

However the skin can lose over time its natural defense and protection faculties. Repeated hand wash has indeed an impact on skin ecosystem removing lipids which naturally preserve the skin and protect it. This all the more the case when using hand sanitizer many times a day, especially due to their high content in alcohol which weakens the hydrolipidic film and therefore dehydrates the skin.

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  • Docteur-Dreno covid-19

    Dr Dréno, Professor of Demartology - CHU Nantes.

    Moisturizing your hands morning and evening with an emollient cream or even two to three times a day helps to protect and rebuild the lipidic film. For people wearing a mask, it is important to moisturize your face morning and evening

    Dr Dréno, Professor of Demartology - CHU Nantes.

We know that many of you ask yourself about the most appropriate products to use.

Aurélie Guyoux, head of Research & Development at NAOS, answers to the questions you asked us on our social networks.


We know that virus are sensitive to cleansing agents. It is why it is so important to wash carefully and regularly your hands, following the different steps recommended by the World Health Organization. All cleansing products seem to be efficient. Bioderma products contain specific cleansing agents which combine high efficiency and natural skin barrier respect. Bioderma hygiene and skincare products have been tested under medical supervision and approved for their efficacy and tolerance. You can use them safely.

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As the COVID-19 has been recently discovered there are unfortunately not a lot of scientific studies demonstrating the specific sensitivity of this virus.  It is why barrier gestures are so important to preserve your health. These gestures include repeated hygiene and social distancing. It is important to select good quality cleansing products and also use regularly emollient to moisturize the skin.

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Respect the safety gestures remain the most efficient way to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, protect yourself and people health. Committed to our health mission, we would like to remind the World Health Organisation’s recommended behavior to stay healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

From the evidence so far, the new COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all areas, including areas with hot and humid weather.

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There is no reason to believe that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus or other diseases. The normal human body temperature remains around 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of the external temperature or weather.

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Spraying alcohol or chlorine will not kill viruses that have already entered your body. Spraying those substances can be harmful to clothes or mucous membranes (ie eyes, mouth). Be aware that both alcohol and chlorine can be useful to disinfect surfaces, but they need to be used under appropriate recommendations.

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No these vaccines do not provide protection against the new coronavirus. The virus is new  and different, and needs its own vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine and WHO is supporting their efforts.

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Antibiotics are efficient only on bacteria. COVID-19 is a virus and not bacteria.

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To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the COVID-19. Some specific treatments are under investigation and will be tested through clinical trials. WHO is helping to accelerate research and development efforts with a range of partners.

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Hot drinks can certainly bring you some comfort, as long as the temperature is not too high to protect your throat. However it will have unfortunately no impact on your protection against COVID-19.

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Having a hot bath may help you relax. However it will not impede the coronavirus disease.

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Hand dryers are not effective in killing the COVID-19. UV lamps should not be used to sterilize hands or other areas of skin as UV radiation can lead to skin irritation.

Covid - logo World Health Organization

For more information, you can access to World Health Organization's comprehensive advice

On their website :

Because protecting yourself is taking care of yourself and the ones you love, Bioderma is wholeheartedly with you during this health crisis. We wish you to stay as much as you can positive, healthy and safe.

Care first.

A dermatologist is the best resource for identifying skin disorders, finding the cause of your skin issues, and developing an adapted treatment. Please consult your dermatologist, doctor or pharmacist so that they may best advise you on your personal skin regimen.